Executive Council of HKIPA (Feb 2022 - Jan 2024)

Council Member: Ms. Liz Yip, LLM, B Sc., Chinese Patent Attorney

Ms. Liz Yip (B.Sc., LL.M) is Manager of the Intellectual Property Centre of Federation of Hong Kong Industries (FHKI). Before joining the FHKI, Ms. Yip worked at some of leading IP firms in Hong Kong.


Ms. Yip qualified as a PRC Patent Attorney and has over 20 years experiences in patent and design matters, especially in original patent drafting, preparing and prosecuting patent and design applications in Hong Kong, China and other countries/region such as the USA, Europe, Australia, Japan, Korea, Russia, India, Brazil, etc.


Ms. Yip is the appointed IP advisor of SME Centre of Hong Kong Trade Development Council and SUCCESS of Trade and Industry Department. She has considerable experience in advising companies on IP registrations and strategy.